domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

My future...

In a few we'll finish the course and these two last weeks will be very hard, but we have to do an efford if we want get quite good marks...
In a future I want to study to be a doctor because I like so much biology, know about diseases and help the people.
Some friends tell me that to be a doctor you must be very cold-hearted, but I don't bielive it. I think, at first, doctors are affected if they can't help someone or they make a mistake but with their expirience, they get the mentality that they try to help the people and If they can't it's terrible, but it's the life. Also, I think to be a doctor, people must have a strong mind but he can or can't be cold-hearted. In my opinion I'm not cold-hearted, I'm affected by bad thingsm, but I think I'm strong, and if I did a wrong thing I could surpass it.
And finally, the other thing I want to do in a future If I can be a doctor is to go on poor countries with NGO's and help the people who haven't any resorts.

See you later!

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