viernes, 6 de junio de 2008


Today I want to talk about a topic that it affects especially to young girls.
On sunday night, I was watching a report in TV3 with my parents like every week. This sunday it explained the problems and the vices of the people who has anorexia.
During all the programme I got chills. I don't understand because they can not be happy with their bodies! This problem starts like a nonsense of two or three kilos but it is like a drug, when a person start he can not stopped.
I thought that this psychological illness is relationed with the friends. If a girl have if a girl has very thin friends, she want to be like the other girls... They don't have own personality and they're influenced by the other people.
The program also spoke about the "Proana" webs where this girls give their advices.
One of the girls said that she wanted to weigh 44 kilos for the festival of course end. Another thing that I don't understand because their parents do not operate the sufficient one in front of this situation. I thought that they should control that she eats and she doesn't vomit.
Also they explained the case of a girl who went to a center to intent curing of this vice and achieving not to enter into the "Proana" webs unawarely. It's a difficult situation but she achieved fattening 10 kilos with three weeks.
While I was watching this report, I noticed that all people are very crazy... Do you agree with me?
I know that this photo is very impressive but I believe that it is a suitable photo...
Bye classmates

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