domingo, 8 de marzo de 2009

Treball the recerca.

Today I want to talk about my Treball de Recerca (Research Project).
As you know all the students cursing second of Batxillerat in Catalonia have to do a project. And I will expose my own project.

Called Arquitectes per al segle XXI was an architectural project. It has 3 delimited parts:

1- An evolution of the architecture of the world: Since the prehistory to the actual and modern architecture.
2- The second part was analyzing the work of Norman Foster (“a starchitect”). With his most famous buildings and his artistic trajectory.

3- This last part consists in one of the lasts works of Sir Foster. The project of the Nou Camp. (F.F.C).

For get information I went to the “Col•legi d’Arquitectes de Girona” and in the “Centre de documentació del museu del Camp Nou a Barcelona”.

It was a well done research project. And here a photo of the project: the New Camp Nou:

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