jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

El chiki chiki


This year in the Eurovision festival Rodolfo Chikilikuatre will represent Spain. It's a song for laugh created by the TV program of the Catalan journalist Andreu Buenafuente.
It's a really silly and repeatitive song and for this reason all people is complaining. They don't undrestand how Spain could vote a song with this characteristics. But, my question is: And what do you think that Eurovision is?
I remember the first time I watch Eurovision on TV, I didn't know what this was until the first OT programe. This year I always watched OT (the winner would sing in the performance), I was a really fan because I love sing. So you can imagine how little popular was the festival if I didn't hear about it before.
But well, since the first OT program I haven't watched anymore Eurovision, because it hasn't no amusement. I think the countries also vote the other countries with they have a good relationship. So it's so little profesional.

Apart from that, all countries send there silly songs to do laugh the people and, for this reason, I agree with the Chiki-chiki goes there. We can't take this festival seriously because we would be stupid!

So, to finish, I want to say that people haven't to see that it's a song to take it seriously, because it was created for laugh and you have to see it in this way.

Well, it's true that now, the song is veeeeeeeery tedious! bfff

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